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Gemma Anne Barnes
My Singing Story...
Happiness is loving what you do, right?
I believe it takes courage to do what you love and enjoy- because it's not always an easy path, or at least it hasn't been for me! Keeping a positive 'I can do this' attitude and never giving up on a dream has always been the key for me, to achieving my goals.

My Journey
As a performer myself I have been through the ups and downs of auditioning for drama school, attending drama school, coming out of drama school into the big wide world and the roller coaster ride that is the Performing Arts industry! I took every class, I went to every audition, I contacted every agent, casting director, creative etc- I never once sat back, I grafted and grafted and grafted, and honestly, I still watched less talented, less hardworking, less committed performers get jobs over me - the harsh reality is; this is just how it is! - I learnt that, I accepted that and I carried on, because this is MY journey. I very quickly shut down the comparisons or negativity that naturally wants to enter your brain, and developed an adventurous, positive, achieving mindset. Because I was going to be offered that dream job, I was going to be successful, I was going to get paid to do what I love and travel the world at the same time - I told myself that every day!
Over the years, I've been told I couldn't do certain things; sing certain songs and styles, I've been told I'm too old, too young, I need to lose weight, gain weight, I'm too sweet, I should be sexier... I could write a book! - maybe one day I will... but I stayed true to myself and thank goodness I did because I have travelled to, and performed in some incredible places and worked with amazing performers throughout my career, and I'm insanely thankful for every experience I've had, because it's brought me to where I am now...

Why did I became a coach?
I believe everyone can achieve their goals, and this is exactly why I am a coach; because even when you doubt yourself, I'll never stop believing in you- I did it and so can you!
My goal is to empower clients to be brave, I want my clients to love themselves and their voices, so they can take big, bold steps towards their dreams and make them a reality. Everybody's singing story is different so whether you've got a big audition coming up, you want to get an agent or you're trying to get seen by casting teams, I will be here to guide and support you throughout your entire journey.
In coaching sessions, we explore the right techniques for you- everyone's voice is different, I treat every client as an individual and will strive to find the best methods for them. I am a Graduate of New York Vocal Coaching's Teacher Training Program, where I studied Vocal Pedagogy. I'm also a qualified Vocal Health First Aider and a member of AOTOS. I am always looking to expand my knowledge and like to keep up to date with my studies of the voice, this allows me to give each client the best tools to access their full range, strengthen any weaker areas of the voice, work towards their vocal goals and maintain good vocal health.
As well as having a very good understanding of the industry and audition technique, I offer my students the opportunity to connect with industry professionals in regular workshops and masterclasses, so clients can go in to an audition feeling confident and prepared.
Whether you're preparing for a job audition, agency showcase or onstage performance, I will give you all the tools you'll need to be able to relax and show the very best of yourself in every situation.
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